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Giving Honduran Youth a Bright Future Through Trade Skills Education

Adams Kid’s Trade School is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty on the small island of Guanaja, Honduras.

Our Mission

Guanaja is a small island, just off the coast of Honduras. It is home to around 11,000 inhabitants, which I would describe as some of the most gracious and hospitable people you’ll ever meet.  Although the island youth are very eager to learn new trades, educational opportunities in the past have been very limited.

At the request of the island’s mayor, Adam’s Kids Trade School launched it’s first class in February of 2022 to sixteen teens who came to learn carpentry and welding skills.  Students, ranging in age from 15 to 19 years old, have attended classes in a small, temporary school space.  Volunteer instructors from various trades have contributed their time and knowledge during one week educational sessions. Since opening, new classes in electrical and sewing skills have been added.

Each morning, our classes begin with an introduction to God’s Word, the Bible.  We believe a Christian foundation is necessary to equip students to be successful in the work place and to prepare them for eternity. 

We hope you will partner with us in growing this school to give these youth a hope and a bright future. 

Carl Hill, Founder

Our Story

In the year 2005, life in our Hill household seemed to be picture perfect.  But, on December 9th, we got a devastating phone call that changed our lives forever.  That icy morning, we were informed that one of our sons was killed in a truck accident on his way to work.  Our son, forever 25, was named Adam.  After our initial grief, we began to seek out ways to help others who were hurting.  My wife felt God leading her to begin a ministry for other moms who had lost a child.  Located in Hendersonville, NC the ministry is a support group called “Lights of Hope”. 

As our desire grew, the Lord introduced us to the Billy Graham Rapid Response team where we trained to be chaplains.  During this time, we were deployed to serve in both man-made and natural disasters throughout the United States.  It was during this process that God instilled in me a passion to build a trade school in my son’s honor.  Adam’s Kids Trade School is dedicated to equip and educate youth on the island of Guanaja, just off the coast of Honduras.  

Our Progress

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In December of 2022, our students put their new skills to good use as they built their first house for Jose and his family.  This is a fresh start and first step toward instilling hope in a poverty stricken community that has been devastated by a tragic fire. 

Our Success

Ryan – Welding Student

Ryan was one of the first students to take our welding class.  With the skills he gained, he was able to get a job on a fishing boat where he welds anchors and 10 lb. weights. 


Help Build a School

your donation will allow us to:
$ 70,000 Our First Goal
  • Buy Property to Build Our School
  • Train More Students Each Session
  • Provide A Space for Each Trade
  • Offer More Sessions Each Year
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To date, we have graduated thirty five students with basic skills.  Sharing the temporary school facility and having to set up trainng equipment each day has been difficult. We need our own school building with an organized, dedicated training space set up for each trade to maximize the learning experience for larger groups of students in each class.  At this point, our capacity for space and time is limited.  Our current goal is to raise $70,000 to buy land for a school.  Will you partner with us today?